The 2022 Nigeria Prize for Literature (Poetry) Kicks Off
At an event in Lagos today, the entries for the 2022 Nigeria Prize for Literature were handed over to the panel of judges by the Chair of the Prize’s Advisory Board, Professor Akachi Adimora-Ezeigbo. Every year, the Nigeria Prize for Literature, sponsored by the Nigerian Liquified Natural Gas (NLNG) accepts a flurry of entries dedicated […]
Where Is Our Government?
“We have a lot of insecurity in Nigeria. By road we are not safe. By train we are not safe”. (From a survivor of the Abuja-Kaduna Train bomb; Mon., March 28, 2022) Too many ills do a nation kill Ills just as many as the corpses That clutter every gutter Of our callously mis-governed country […]
Poem: “The Real Subsidisers” by Níyì Ọ̀súndáre
NIGERIAN SUBSIDY AND THE REAL SUBSIDISERS Here, in plain, unsubsidized language Are the basic facts About the fabled Nigerian “subsidy” Whose endless lies have besieged our ears We the Nigerian people subsidize The rampant CORRUPTION of our rulers We the Nigerian people subsidize Their fatal incompetence and prodigal greed We the Nigerian people subsidize Those […]
Lonely Night the Poet Sells Himself as Lover to Dream
All the lights call it a day. All the marigolds go to sleep. The finches manufacture music from the latex of their throats. Let troughed tangled briars beg the earth for a moment. Let winter sit still & patient. There is no remedy to song severed in the neck. There is no remedial way to […]
Some places become homes by habit
When the thousands of mysterious Sumerian tablets were translated, they were thought to be business records, but what if they were poems or psalms? My love is the same as twelve Ethiopian goats standing silent in the morning light Shiploads of thuya are what my body wants to say to your body. — Jack Gilbert. […]
[POETRY] Brocade
How often we find rest in the place for longing, fame in the space of hiding, the truth in the face of the neonates. I’m taken by the fate of your scalp, this brocade of tide, gulping at healing a dead sight with sighs & jittery culls. How often light lords over our woe & […]
[POETRY] shadrach, meshach, abednego & eric
for ek. today i will visit your grave after three years, I am eager to know what has become of your black stained chest. & at your burial, your dissected limbs that were placed side by side makes me think of the doll’s limbs my little sister is spending her childhood dissecting from its torso. […]
beneath the waves
I am not terrified of the dark. I do not know if the arms of God would hold me like poetry has done every time my floater resurfaces as I spiral beneath the waves. When I break, does God break too? Why must I do all the breaking alone? Look at all the healing […]
A Little Deeper & Other Poem
I it all started with a white school teacher locking her grade 5 pupils inside a classroom a black boy in a corner breathing slowly deeply by the strength of his own legs frantically climbing attempting to escape by way of the classroom window, possessed by the fight or flight drowning […]
a brief history
history oft becomes second nature. a history of subservience is inferiority. history is sediment of time, sturdy like diamond to undo history, we ask time to become cannibal, which is to say we ask time to chew on its own fangs, chew itself back to the beginning, down to its innocent gums a history of […]