
Mama Calls Me Tennis Ball Because I Always Bounce Back


I still remember my ball boy training you have to squat with your left leg simultaneously kneel with your right leg perpendicular to your left so even if you miss the catch the ball is halted by your legs at a 90-degree angle I often missed the catch even before my strokes never the athlete […]

Lonely Night the Poet Sells Himself as Lover to Dream


All the lights call it a day. All the marigolds go to sleep. The finches manufacture music from the latex of their throats. Let troughed tangled briars beg the earth for a moment. Let winter sit still & patient. There is no remedy to song severed in the neck. There is no remedial way to […]

beneath the waves


I am not terrified  of the dark. I do not know  if the arms of God  would hold me  like poetry has done  every time my floater resurfaces  as I spiral beneath the waves.    When I break, does God break too? Why must I do all the breaking alone?  Look at all the healing  […]