on July 30, 2021
i will leave the dead in your body some room to dance. i will sit beneath the baobab tree with drums of tulips by self-acclaimed craftsmen. i will call forth boneless children & make seats from udala trees for them. we'll sit, we'll eat, & drink too. we'll be the motivators the eyes of the dead shall see. our diastema shall vomit tears of glass. we'll clatter cymbals—the ones that make the dead horny—but if jinxes envelope us, may the gods in your hips cast us a spell of joy. it will not be a dream & it will not be in real life. do you know what it is like to feed your eyes with the dead dancing to a living music? we are not calling it a day anytime soon—the sun of the dead does not set—our fingers listen to us when we teach them to slap hard the cheekbone of the drum for the dead *àdàbà ikú, wá gbé wa ró
Flourish Joshua is a (performance) poet from Nigeria, a NaiWA poetry scholar, 2nd place winner of the 7th Ngozi Agbo Prize for Essay, Managing Editor at NRB, Interviews Editor at Eremite Poetry & Poetry Reader at Bluebird Review and Frontier Poetry. He is published (or forthcoming) on London Grip Poetry, Ghost City Review, Brittle Paper, Indianapolis Review, Bluebird Review, and elsewhere. Say hello on Instagram/Twitter @fjspeaks.