After NLNG 2021 Literature Prize Shortlist
Out of the eleven names longlisted for the LNG Literary Prize, this month, the Advisory Board released a shortlist of three names shortlisted for the LNG Prize for prose fiction genre. The three stories are dynamic, rich and compelling in their approach to the gender subject and other intersecting themes that are captured through their plots.
As we hope to revive and improve the culture of literary criticism at Olongo Africa, we intend to publish reviews of the three shortlisted novels which would complement the appraisals of the texts and the insights they present to the readers. To enrich the reflections on the novels, we have invited contributors and the authors into dialogues that give gritty details into the backgrounds that inform the works and the visions that shape them.
We appreciate all as you follow us according to the publication schedule below:
Abi Dare – Review (13 Sept. 2021) | Interview (15th Sept. 2021)
Obinna Udenwe – Review (20th Sept. 2021) | Interview ( 22nd Sept. 2021)
Cheluchi – Review (27th Sept. 2021) | Interview (29th Sept. 2021)